I was wondering if i could enter my Gmail from another country other that the one I put in the application. Can I also view like my youtube account, myspace, or another account I make. Please be as much specific as you can.
Can I enter my Gmail from another country?
You can access your accounts from any country.
However, in Germany you'll need to use the URL http://mail.google.com instead of http://www.gmail.com to access your Gmail account due to a lawsuit from a company in Germany using the Gmail name first.
Reply:Absolutely. That's why they call it the World Wide Web my friend! When I toured Europe a couple years ago, I was able to access anything and everything I wanted, including email, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube etc. There's nothing different with foreign internet (or computer and keyboards for that matter) in any English speaking country. I was online in England, France, Germany, Italy and Austria and didn't have any issues at all.
Reply:Of course you can, you can access gmail, myspace, etc from the other country. That is the usefulness of the internet. Can be accessed from anywhere.
Reply:This is the essence of internet. The World Wide Web.
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